Thursday, October 3, 2019

Encouraging younger members of our communities Essay Example for Free

Encouraging younger members of our communities Essay If we allow children to make some decisions and be involved how does that help them develop? The advantages of encouraging younger members of our communities to become more actively involved in making decisions can be influential to their future. When children and young people have the opportunity to identify the problems that affect their lives and, most importantly, find and implement the solutions, it builds their self-confidence and encourages them to value the positive impact they can have on the lives of others. Through increasingly meaningful and active participation in decision-making children can develop their own identity, a sense of belonging and usefulness. This encourages them to respond to educational opportunities and enter more fully into life at school. A child, whose active engagement with the world and who has been encouraged from a young age, will become more confident to make correct decisions later on in life from skill and mistakes previous involved in. Why is it important you are a positive role model and how do you do this? Having a role model can give a child focus in their lives and something to work towards. Often a role model has a character trait or job that your child desires to have. Because of the role models example children are more likely to work to achieve their goals. A role model can inspire a child to dream big. Often circumstances make dreams seem impossible. A child who has no role model cannot imagine overcoming. A child whose role model has achieved can inspire a child to work harder and achieve their dreams. Those who often find success do so because they had a role model who spurred them on to great things. There are setbacks in every persons life. Knowing that someone else has overcome and achieved will help your child during the hard times. They can look at their role model and realise that at one point they were a child and faced adversity. Yet they were able to achieve their goals. This will help give the child the strength to overcome. Having a role model can help a child develop good habits. If your child has a desire to succeed and become like their role model they will develop those habits necessary to achieve that goal. How can disability affect some children? Having a learning disability has some effect on a childs ability to interact with other students. A child quickly realises that differences exist in the ability to learn certain subjects, compared to peers. A child with a learning disability must work much harder than peers do to complete school assignments. Long hours are spent trying to complete the same homework that other students complete in a much shorter space of time. Because the learning disabled child must work harder than other students, yet not do as well on test or assignments, the child will struggle with self-esteem. It is quite common for fellow students to call learning disabled students names, or talk about the disabilities behind their backs. Therefore, the learning disabled student may have few true and long-lasting friendships. A childs self-esteem and self-worth, is quite often closely tied to the opinions of peer groups and close friendships. A child with a disability may find learning to read complicated. This may allow the child to become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in school, behavioural problems could also be seen, as well as the child becoming unenthusiastic or disliking school. What support can families with a child with disabilities access? Think respite care, short-term breaks, support services in the home, out of school clubs. When a care relationship is not professional and not based on shifts and normal working hours, but is continuous for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, a break is not a luxury but essential to maintain the caring role. Day respite can be provided to offer short periods of respite in a range of different ways either in the home or in day centres for older people, or via adult day care resources and enhanced care units. It may also be possible to access services provided by the private and voluntary sectors. Residential respite and phased care can be provided in a residential setting to enable carers to have a break from their caring role. The council has a number of units, which may provide this. Short breaks give disabled children and young people enjoyable experiences away from their primary carers, contributing to their personal and social development and reducing social isolation. They also give parents and families a necessary and valuable break from caring responsibilities and disabled children and young people access to inclusive activities in their local community.There are many different ways to provide short breaks. Each break will differ and depend on the needs of your child and family.Short Breaks can include group based support – for example holiday clubs, after school clubs, sports groups individual short breaks – for example personal assistants, care in the home Children’s centres and extended schools are designed to support children and young people in achieving the five outcomes set out in Every Child Matters, to stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.

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